My Writing Tool Philosophy

Before I spend a lot of time reviewing a writing tool (pen, pencil, notebook or some other instrument for writing), I wanted to take a few moments to share my thoughts on reviewing in general and how I’ll handle reviews on this blog in particular.

I’m a firm believer that we can over complicate things. I’m sure someone cares about dry time, ink compositions and so on. Frankly, I need to know one thing and one thing only – will this tool aide me in what I want to do? For me, what I want to do is record the random thoughts that are running around in my head. You may want to know about how a pencil works to sketch. Sorry, sketching is far outside of my wheelhouse.

So, when I do a review, what you will get are my thoughts on how the tool helps me get the job done of getting my thoughts down so I can deal with them however appropriate. I won’t talk about anything too scientific because I want to talk about why we use the tools.

Because as pretty as a tool is, if it won’t do the job we want it to, then it is worthless.

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